For some people, when they need to give a talk in front of an audience, they feels such intense stress that causes their stomach to contract and they cannot eat anything for hours. During the talk, they may feels so stressed that they cannot concentrate on what they want to say, and even get a “blackout” and forget everything. That’s obviously a serious flaw in the workings of the brain.
A similar thing can happen not regarding performance in front of an audience but regarding performance in an academic exam. High levels of stress may hamper a person’s ability to concentrate and remember what they had learned during their preparation for the exam.
An addiction is a repetitive behavior that is done compulsively due to emotional reasons, and harms the individual’s wellbeing. This happens when the person is being swept by an emotional pain (trying to avoid something, e.g. through drinking alcohol) or emotional pleasure (trying to get quick pleasure). Addictions can be to a variety of behaviors, including: social media, games, gambling, alcohol and drug abuse, porn, shopping.