The overall picture

The overall answer of how the optimal brain establishes a strong feeling of safety is this:

  1. 99% of the optimal brain’s focus is on an extremely positive image of reality, with feelings of contentment and appreciation, as well as a framework containing a realistic plan to enhance my wellbeing and achieve desirable goals. There are many mechanisms to enhance this part and ensure a high level of emotional wellbeing.
  2. Several super effective mechanisms for addressing obstacles and problems in an extremely positive and resilient way which leads to quick recovery and a return to part 1 above.

The optimal brain wants to live this life, and wants to enhance and maximize wellbeing, and hence has many productive ways to establish a feeling of safety.

The positive focus

Productive framework

The optimal brain uses a framework where

Thus, it is possible for me to create a good life for myself, despite all the “problems”.

I am talented to progress towards my goals

I am talented and smart, so when I direct my mind positively to achieve a goal, I can think and act in ways that make progress towards achieving the goal. In particular, it’s always possible to divide the goals to sub-goals until I reach goals that are small enough that are definitely achievable.

The world is safe for me