
In order to succeed in life, it’s critical to be aware that the brain of most people has many “bugs” that sabotage the person’s wellbeing and ability to achieve what they want. We explain here these bugs and what can be done to overcome them. This is a critical part of The Framework, without which it would work much less effectively.



Why Emotional Wellbeing Is More Critical Than All Other Types of Wellbeing

The Optimal Mindset

The Buggy Brain

Our brain is not yet optimal - it contains many bugs. A “bug” in the brain is any behavior of the brain that decreases emotional wellbeing (and consequently all other forms of wellbeing) instead of increasing it. More details here:

The Buggy Brain

Repository of Bugs and their Resolutions


Optimal Constructs

We do not settle for merely detecting bugs and resolving them. In addition, we take a proactive approach of creating a very large number of positive constructs that enhance wellbeing. More details here:

Optimal Constructs

Focusing the Mind on High-End Actions

Mindfulness At Work

Handling Problems

How the Optimal Brain Handles Problems